Taste it , it's looking sweet yet bitter behind of it - Story of Sanzoku no Musume Ronja , 山賊の娘ローニャ

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Sanzoku no Musume Ronja , 山賊の娘ローニャ is now airing on NHK BS2 , not hitting on any international TV Broadcast channel yet , and I'm not sure whether it will or not.

I've been assigned to work on even number episode , 2 , 4 , 6 and so on.Hence,  I would like to share some experience , troubles and some methods to counter with it.

Starting with Episode 4 , which is briefly talking about how Ronja found the "Gap of Hell" , and met someone that she never expected.

Birk , sitting on top of the edge of broken house.

This is an easy episode I would say , as compare with episodes after 6 , less characters , and not much special requirement for this episode.

But there is one shot that I worked on it , based on SVs request , I've made some sparkling dust that floats in the air due to strong and bright streaks like hitting surrounding atmosphere.

It's hard to observe with low resolution video quality , but somehow if you are able to get full-resolution footage , you will be able to see it.

And next , we move on to Episode 6. It was a little tough , due to bigger number of characters in one scene.

One of the requirement for this kind of pre-fight shot is , character's shadow shouldn't cover on other characters. In the end this can only be done by extract the scene into couple layers , and them back together during compositing work.

She looks so cute. ~~ This is an example of good lighting , a good direct-light with enough shadow to tell the volume of her face and nose.

A funny look of Mattis that couldn't answer her daughter's question. This shot is quite questionable in terms of light direction , because logically , they should have no light on their face with this angle , but that would look terrible for all the characters. In order to find the balance in between good look and hook up with the other shots , some minor light direction changes apply in this shot, even though it doesn't look the same as some shot , but it does not stands out too much.

Borka is always the trouble maker. His spiky fur on his shirt causes a lot of render problem , such as render will never look the same if you re-render again , or some random pop occur every certain frames , or even bad penetration occur when that fur is close to his beard or hair. For Undis (The only female character here) wise , her only issue is her extremely long nose, which could cast a very long shadow on her face.

This shot looks pretty simple , but I've been tested that streaks for some time to find the best balance for its color , strength and length, because this kind of "extra" compositing stuff is very subjective , it varies on different person , some might like it very much but others might think of another way.

Lastly , this is not my shot , but it is hilarious !! Mattis' dad , thick beard .

Next time I will talk about Episode 8 , an episode where all the difficult stuff started to surface.