The story of AJIN - Part 1

9:06 AM shockFX 0 Comments

AJIN is originated from a manga series that went quite popular in Japan , due to its bloodiness some website rate it as 18+ manga , such as this site.

The characters from the manga itself are having big and scary eyes , but when modelers convert into a 3D models , they look simpler and *friendlier* 

Kaito , Kei's friend

Kei , Protagonist

Throughout the first movie , I didn't do much for the shots as I was still working on other project , so my shots are starting from episode 2. Next I'll talk about some insights of the shots.

This is one of the sequences that I've been working on , where this shot is telling that a vehicle with fog light turned on is coming from opposite direction , due to night time scenario , the when the vehicle come closer to the character it can be very bright , and make him look overexposed.

This shot is telling a different story , you can feel that the character is thinking of something , usually there will be narrate voice to tell what is he thinking about. At this case , strong defocus on everything else other than eyes ( story teller ) can enhance the feeling .

This shot is pretty long , if I'm not mistaken it was around 20 seconds or so. The tough part of this shot is optical flare position due to the bike is moving around constantly , motion blur than need to match with camera , background color control , bike color , and the reflectors too.

Optical flares are often use to tell strong light source or just to indicate the light direction , for bike , it is essential.

A random slow motion shot , where you can see characters fly in the air.

On top of my favourite sequences , this is definitely the top one . I've gotten the color script and worked on it with proper colors , and also set up a node set to create the light streaks effects with "fake light streaks shadow" in nuke . The is no background behind characters , it's all pitch black , gives you a feeling of they're in a different dimension. In the end there were still some retakes back and forth to make it better in terms of visual , colors , and "feeling".

The color script was base on this shot , which can pretty much tell everything that you need for the whole sequences.

For the first part of the movie , it didn't feature much of my shots as more of my actions shots should be coming on second movie . This is the only action shot I have. Short but strong !

And that's about it for this round , more of it will be coming as soon as I get the clips.